I am a freelance digital artist. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design from ESIAJ in Namur. I have extensive experience in digital projection mapping and creating 3D content. Additionally, I specialize in developing 2D games using Unity and C#.
2022 - Present
Game Developement : Metal Ape.
Game Developement : The Cosmic Tramp.

2019 - Present
Tour Des Sites - 2D/3D Video Content Creation.

2019 - 2020
Game Developement : Ultreïa. Published by Greewook Studio on PC and RedDeerGames on Nintendo Switch.

2D/3D video content for the Franco Dragone's show "La Perle" in Dubaï.

B71 video mapping for the "Coeur de Ville en Lumières" event.
3D video content for the 100th anniversary of BMW exhibition in Brussels.
B71 video mapping at the Val-Dieu Abbey.
B71 video mapping at the Blégny-Mine site.

Stage Design for the RTBF's VIVA FOR LIFE 2015 campaign in Charleroi and VJset for Kid Noize show.
Video mapping at the Vaudeville theater in Brussels.

"Ostyn: Crank" music video by Olivier Mitch Goffe and Seb Rekorder (Liège).
Stage Design for the Zoo's reopening nights with Tarabass from CENC (Geneva).
Stage Design at the No Name festival in Spa.
Ksat exhibition at the Maison du Portugal in Paris.
Mike Latona Di Ove's music video (Liège).

Stage Design for the Transardentes festival in Liège.
Video mapping for the movie "The Fifth Estate" produced by Dreamworks (Ghent).
"Syncopia" music video by Laeticia Bica, shot at MAD in Brussels, and used to promote the KNACKFUSS collection (Winter 2013).
Video mapping on a Peugeot car, installed for a week in Luxembourg.
Stage Design on a 14m/5 structure at the Saint-Gésu church for the New Year 2013 celebrations (Brussels).

Development of iPhone applications "Drink & Chips" and "Cube Dodge".
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